88i is the 1st Digital Insurer focused on customers and service providers in the Mobility, Delivery, Fintech and eCommerce ecosystems.
Approved by SUSEP to provide innovation and inclusion, using the Risk Design approach and using Artificial Intelligence in a 100% Cloud environment to transform and democratize insurance.
They provide protection products that truly help their partners’ customers to be and feel protected every day, in a simple, intuitive and digital manner, always delivering the best experience on a continuous basis.
88i now has its systems on the AWS Cloud. They use S3 services to store data collected from partners APIs, RDS service that contains the MySQL database and Aurora for transactional data, AWS Redshift service as a data warehouse, and AWS Glue to orchestrate JOBs that run Python code. Microsoft Power BI is used as a data/report viewer and dashboards.
They also use a service offered by Google, Google Analytics, which collects information from 88i website, for obtaining data from page view and hit rate, geographic location of visitor, how they arrived at the page, operating system, browser, among others.
Ela também utiliza um serviço oferecido pela Google, o Google Analytics, que coleta informações do site da 88i, tendo assim dados de taxa de exibição e hit de páginas, localização geográfica do visitante, forma com a qual chegou na página, sistema operacional, navegador, entre outros.
After analyzing the structure and problems shown in the existing architecture, the suggestion was:
- Restructure 88i information architecture on AWS, following the best market practices while respecting the business needs.
- Improve the AWS environment security.
- Implement data governance.
- Add all data made available by partner APIs to the 88i Data Lake and Data Warehouse.
- Add data collected by Google Analytics that will enable BI/CRM business areas to make more concise analyses and have insights to retain and win more customers, so increasing gross revenue.
- Costs Optimization.
- Agility in data sharing.
- Qualified, up-to-date and consistent data containing all relevant information.
- Monitoring of campaign results.
- Information traceability.
- Customer relationship management.
- Improved risk management and regulatory compliance (LGPD).
- Performance and security in the processes execution.
- Improvement in analytical capacity with the availability of GA data.
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